Market Lineup

 SLC Downtown Winter Farmer's Market - The Gateway (North End by the Fountain)

10am -2pm 

February 8th

February 15th


Salt & Honey Valentine's Market - Only Fashion Place Location

Now through February 16th



Salt & Honey Market - 9th + 9th and Fashion Place Locations 

fulFILLed PC - Park City, Utah 

The Market at Park City - Park City, Utah

Wild Earth Park City, Utah 

The Derm Spa - Stansbury, Utah 

Pantry Products- SLC, Utah AND their Reno, NV locations 

Alchemy Wellness- Schenectady, NY

Earthwell Refill - San Diego, California 

Duncan Mills General Store- Duncan Mills, California 


*Dates are always subject to change, any new events will be added on the list. Follow me on Instagram @rubyandsageapothecary to get the most updated and accurate information*